Volunteer Spotlight: Gary Eddings
Name: Gary Eddings
Title: Chief
Department Name: Sharon Fire Dept.
Location: Sharon, TN
Why are you an NVFC member?
Lots of great benefits to being a member and ideas on training. Plus, the membership cost is cheap compared to all the benefits you get.
Why did you join the fire service?
I live in a small rural community and it’s mainly an older population that lives in Sharon. I feel the need to help protect the ones in my town that cannot protect themselves.
What year did you join the fire or emergency services?
What are your memorable moments as a firefighter or EMS provider?
I have saved many lives in our county and received first responder of the year from the State of Tennessee by saving nine lives in a van crash several years ago. I have helped organize many fundraising events in our area and help raise thousands of dollars to help our first responders in our communities.
What contributions have you (and your department) made in your community?
We are involved in many community events in our town with smoke alarm installs, fire prevention programs at school, trick or treat events, and Christmas with Santa at our fire department.
Interested in serving your community? Find volunteer fire service opportunities at www.makemeafirefighter.org.