Kickstart Your 2023 Training with the NVFC
January 24, 2023
Looking for training opportunities to help you increase your knowledge and proficiency in 2023? Need ideas and resources for your department’s training program? Then check out what the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) has to offer.
Virtual Classroom: The NVFC launched a new online training platform in 2020, and since then over 15,200 registrations have been made for the more than 120 courses and webinars now available. Courses cost $21 for nonmembers and are free for NVFC members – for the price of just one course, you can access all courses at no extra cost by joining for $21 at Use the training on your own or incorporate it into your department’s training program. In addition, the recently released New Recruit Track is designed to help departments with the classroom portion of their onboarding process.
Train Strong Webinars: The NVFC launched a free monthly webinar series in 2019, and over 8,500 attendees have taken advantage of the 74 webinars provided to date. Stay informed of upcoming webinars and register on the Trainings page of the NVFC web site and watch past webinars for free in the Virtual Classroom.
Live Panel Discussions: The NVFC also hosts monthly live panel discussions on Facebook and Zoom with subject matter experts to discuss topics of importance to the volunteer fire and emergency services. Stay informed of upcoming events on the Trainings page of the NVFC web site and view the archive of past panel discussions here.
NVFC Regional Wildland Symposium: This wildland fire focused event taking place March 17-18 in Box Elder, SD, provides an opportunity for fire and EMS personnel to participate in valuable classroom training as well as exchange ideas and best practices with their peers. Although the conference focuses on wildland fire response and mitigation in the Plains region, it is open to department personnel nationwide.
NVFC Training Summit: This signature NVFC conference will take place June 23-24 in Oklahoma City, OK, and focuses critical issues in the volunteer fire and emergency services. The event features classroom sessions, keynote speakers, opportunities for networking and idea sharing, and a mini vendor expo. More details will be announced on February 1 and travel stipends will be available.
Training Volunteer Firefighters to Be Combat Ready: This guide by the NVFC, IAFC-VCOS, and ISFSI is designed to help fire departments develop an operational training program that meets the needs of the community and the individual firefighter with safety and relevancy at the forefront.
Volunteer Fire Service Culture: Essential Strategies for Success: This textbook is designed to train department members and leaders about key issues relating to health and safety and how to embrace healthy and safe practices in all areas of department operations and culture.
Additional training opportunities and resources can be found on the NVFC web site, and stay tuned to the Dispatch for more announcements on upcoming training events.