NVFC Releases Online Toolkit to Foster Successful, High-Performing Fire/EMS Departments
March 4, 2025
Having a healthy and engaged workforce creates a successful, high-performing fire or EMS department. To help departments better support their members, the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) has released an updated, online version of the Psychologically Healthy Fire Departments: Implementation Toolkit.
A Psychologically Healthy Fire Department focuses on the well-being of its members to increase satisfaction, enhance retention and recruitment, and improve overall performance and success. This new web site will make it easier for fire department leaders to navigate information and resources to promote and foster well-being among their members.
The toolkit covers the six key categories of member involvement, health and safety, member growth and development, work-life-volunteer balance, member recognition, and effective communication. Each category is examined along with specific actions that can be taken, special issues to consider, case studies from successful departments, and additional resources.
Access the new online Psychologically Healthy Fire Departments: Implementation Toolkit at www.nvfc.org/phfd-toolkit.
A PDF version of the updated toolkit is also available for download on the site.
Find additional resources and training to support first responders and help departments implement a behavioral health program at www.nvfc.org/help. Many of these resources, including the online toolkit, are made possible thanks to a Fire Prevention and Safety Grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.