NVFC Board of Directors
Steve Hirsch
Steve Hirsch is training officer for Sheridan County Fire District # 1 and Thomas County Fire District #4, both of which are 100% volunteer fire departments. Steve is the chairman and Kansas director of the National Volunteer Fire Council and is currently treasurer of the Kansas State Firefighters Association, after serving as secretary from 2000-2018 and then as 1st vice president and president. His father started a rural fire district in north central Kansas in 1963, the year after he was born, so he grew up in the fire service. Steve is also the county attorney in the northwest Kansas counties of Decatur, Sheridan, and Gove as well as assistant county attorney in Graham County. He has a private law practice and serves as city attorney for 18 cities in Norton, Phillips, Graham, Mitchell, Rawlins, Decatur, Sheridan, Thomas, Trego, and Gove counties.
Dallas Renfrew
First Vice Chair
Dallas Renfrew joined the fire service in 1985 and currently serves with the Seminole Volunteer Fire Department. He has held various positions and ranks, including training officer, firefighter, and CISM team member. He is also president of the Seminole Volunteer EMS Association, where he served as a paramedic. Dallas served as the State Firefighters’ and Fire Marshals’ Association of Texas (SFFMA) Permian Basin District secretary/treasurer for eight years before being elected as the fourth vice president to the SFFMA of Texas in 1995. In 2000 he served as president of the SFFMA and currently represents the organization on the NVFC board as a director for Texas and 2nd vice chair. Dallas works for the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service/Emergency Services Training Institute (TEEX/ESTI) as a fire service instructor and the extension program training coordinator.
Reid Vaughan
Second Vice Chair
Reid Vaughan joined the fire service in 1995 and still proudly serves the people of Cuba, AL, in that capacity today. He also serves the people of Cuba as a member of the City Council. Reid has served as Sumter County Fire Association secretary/treasurer for 25 years, Alabama Joint Fire Council secretary/treasurer for 10 years, executive board member (current 1st vice president) with Alabama Firefighters Association for 12 years, board of directors member with the Alabama Association of Volunteer Fire Departments for 10 years, and chair of the Alabama Firefighters Annuity and Benefit Commission for 14 years. He works for the Alabama Fire College and Personnel Standards Commission as the section chief of regional services and also serves as the associate pastor of Gateway Community Church in Lauderdale, MS. Reid and his wife, Rindy, live in Cuba, AL, with their daughter Ashlynne.
Bob Guthrie
Bob Guthrie joined the NVFC board in 2009, following in the footsteps of his father who once also served as the NVFC’s Connecticut director. Bob joined the Savin Rock Hose Co. 4, West Haven Fire Department in 1981 and has held the positions of secretary, treasurer, captain, and currently lieutenant with the company. A certified EMT since 1983, he also worked for a number of commercial EMS services from 1983 until 2004. Bob has been a delegate of the Firemen’s Benevolent Association for over 20 years, is a past-president of the Connecticut State Firefighters Association (CSFA), and is past chair of the CSFA Fire Service Hall of Fame dinner. In 2005, he was appointed by the governor to the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board. Bob is a 9-1-1 dispatcher, Fire-Police-EMS for the City of West Haven.
NVFC Committees:
- Audit
- Bylaws
- Communication & Technology
- Conference
- Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
- EMS/Rescue Section
- Executive
- Finance
- Hazmat Response
- Health, Safety, and Training
- Homeland Security
- Legislative
- Membership/Awards
- Mental Health Advisory Committee
- Nominating
- Recruitment and Retention
- Standards & Codes
- Volunteer Advocacy
- Wildland
Board Directory
Alabama Firefighter’s Association
Curtis Shirley
C.R. Vaughan
Alaska State Firefighters Association
Sara Garcia
Dorianne Sprehe
Arizona Fire Chiefs Association
Bobby Apodaca
Joseph DeWolf
Arkansas State Firefighters Association
Rob Ingram
Jeff Jones
California State Firefighters’ Association
Richard Brown
Marty Creel
Colorado State Fire Fighters Association
Michael Torres
Connecticut State Firefighters Association
Lew Clark
Robert Guthrie
Delaware Volunteer Firefighter’s Association
Norman (Jay) Jones
Florida Fire Chiefs’ Association
Tim Diamond
Robbie Whitfield
Georgia State Firefighters Association
David Bullard
Illinois Firefighters Association
Bill Offerman
Robert Reason
Indiana Volunteer Firefighters Association
Jack Kerney
Jerry Liston
Iowa Firefighters Association
Roger Bissen
Marvin Trimble
Kansas State Firefighters Association
Steve Hirsch
Dan Romine
Kentucky Firefighter’s Association
Pat Thompson
Louisiana State Firemen’s Association
Guy Bonin
Richard Parker, Jr.
Maine State Federation of Firefighters
Ken Desmond
Joseph Guyotte
Maryland State Firemen’s Association
Eric Bernard
David Lewis
Massachusetts Call/Volunteer Firefighters Association
Dr. Michael Goldstein
Joseph Maruca
Michigan State Firemen’s Association
Cliff Messing
Bill Shagena
Minnesota State Fire Department Association
Judy Thill
Travis Olson
Mississippi Firefighter’s Association
Jennifer Williams
Fire Fighters Association of Missouri
Rob Erdel
Keith Smith
Montana State Volunteer Firefighters Association
Jerry Brothers
Mike Doto
Nebraska State Volunteer Firefighters Association
Joel Cerny
Justin Scamehorn
Nevada State Firefighter’s Association
Mike Heidemann
Steve McClintock
New Hampshire Association of Fire Chiefs
Scott Cathy
Erik Thomas
New Jersey State Firemen’s Association
Brian Foley
George Heflich, Sr.
New Mexico State Fire Marshal
Jaime Gonzales
Josh Mack
Firefighters Association of the State of New York
Brian McQueen
John P. Farrell, Jr.
North Carolina State Firefighters’ Association
Tim Bradley
Quentin Cash
North Dakota Firefighter’s Association
Allan Klein
David Lautt
Ohio State Firefighters’ Association
Rodger Sansom
Gary Zehring
Oklahoma State Firefighters Association
Tom Marcum
Sheri Nickel
Oregon Volunteer Firefighters Association
Jason Servatius
Firefighters’ Association of the State of Pennsylvania
Deanna Force
Paul Lukus
Rhode Island State Firefighters’ League
Kevin Quinn
Mark St. Pierre
South Carolina State Firefighters’ Association
Jack Kirlin
Keith Minick
South Dakota Firefighters Association
Charlie Kludt
Jeremy Walla
Tennessee Fire Chiefs Association
PJ Duncan
Melvin Martin
State Firefighters’ and Fire Marshals’ Association of Texas
Kendall Hunting
Dallas Renfrew
Utah State Firefighters’ Association
Brent Marshall
Lance Nay
Vermont State Firefighter’s Association
Robert Kilpeck
Bob Patterson
Virginia State Firefighters Association
Ken Brown
John S. “Pete” Kirby
Washington State Fire Fighters’ Association
Larry Creekmore
Andrew Schaffran
West Virginia State Firemen’s Association
Thomas Miller
Wisconsin State Firefighters Association
Chris Klahn
Philip C. Stittleburg
Wyoming State Firemen’s Association
Eric Quinney
Lawrence Erdmann