Facebook Live Discussion – Firefighter Cancer: Actions to Reduce Risks

Cancer has become one of the most dangerous threats to firefighters, but there steps you can take to reduce risks. Join the NVFC and subject matter experts for a Facebook Live discussion on January 18 at 3pm ET in conjunction with Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month. Panelists will discuss the threat cancer poses, how firefighters can


Webinar: Roadway Incident Safety and Survival for Fire and EMS

Struck-by-vehicle incidents continue to be a serious hazard for firefighters and EMS providers. Emergency service operations on roads and highways put personnel at serious risk of being struck by vehicles and injured or killed. Making sure personnel are trained in proper traffic incident management techniques can prevent tragedy. Join the NVFC and presenter Jack Sullivan


Webinar: Leading the Sustainable Fire Department Health and Fitness Initiative

This free webinar explores issues that challenge fire service leadership in their quest to offer comprehensive health and fitness programming to its members and offers solutions to these leadership obstacles. Presenter Richard Kline will also provide a roadmap for effective program design, obtaining support, and benchmarking success.


Volunteer Voices Live: Face-to-Face Virtual Connections

Join fellow volunteers to discuss strategies for improving everyday communication in the volunteer fire department. The goal of this interactive session is to come away with at least one new communication strategy that you can implement in your department right away.


NVFC Annual Membership Meeting

The NVFC’s Annual Membership Meeting is open to all state, individual, department, and corporate members. Attendees will hear reports on the NVFC’s business and financial operations. State member representatives may vote on matters raised at the meeting, such as the proposed amendments to the Articles of Incorporation.


Facebook Live – Electric Vehicles: Implications & Considerations for Emergency Responders

With electric vehicles (EVs) becoming more and more common, the likelihood that your department will respond to an incident involving EVs increases daily. Join the NVFC and subject matter experts for a Facebook Live discussion on March 29 at 3pm ET for a conversation on EV implications and considerations for emergency responders. Registration is not


NVFC Spring Meeting

Renaissance Arlington Capital View 2800 South Potomac Ave., Arlington, VA, United States

Annual spring meeting of the NVFC board of directors, state fire service association leaders, government representatives, and other invited guests to discuss emerging issues, establish priorities, take care of Council business, and work on tasks supporting the volunteer fire, EMS, and rescue community.

Facebook Live: Funding Fire/EMS Department Needs through Rising Costs

Inflation and the high price of fuel are affecting us all, and volunteer fire and EMS departments are no exception. With many departments already operating on tight budgets and facing pandemic-related financial strain, solutions are urgently needed. Join David Lewis, NVFC director from Maryland; David Denniston, director of risk management at McNeil & Co.; and


Webinar: Volunteering to Train Firefighters and EMTs in Developing Nations

This webinar will provide an overview of the unique challenges facing first responders in developing nations, opportunities available to volunteer to train these responders, and how training focused on utilizing locally available resources can help to improve the fire service both abroad and at home.
