Webinar: Collective Impact — Collaborative Strategies for Fire and Life Safety Education

Instructor: Angela Potter Community education is a key part of the fire service, but departments don’t always have funding or resources to implement these programs. Presenter Angela Potter will cover how she connected with other fire and life safety educators, found resources, and developed a regional program to increase knowledge in her own community and


Webinar: Safe Roads, Safe Responders – Educating Communities on Roadway Incident Safety

Engaging the community in roadway safety is a key part of reducing first responder injuries and death in traffic incident management. Just in time for your fall open house, this webinar presented by Todd Leiss and Jack Sullivan will discuss ways to incorporate key topics such as “move over,” preventing distracted driving, and how to


NVFC Fall Meeting

Kansas City Marriott Country Club Plaza 4445 Main Street, Kansas City, MO, United States

Annual fall meeting of the NVFC board of directors.


Grand Sierra Resort Hotel 2500 E 2nd St., Reno, NV, United States

The NVFC will be presenting the following sessions: Wildland Fire Assessment Program - Sept. 23 Collaborative Programs: Pipeline Safety and Response - Sept. 24 Creating a Psychologically Healthy Fire Department - Sept. 25 View the full program here.

Roundtable Talk: Planning for Fire Prevention Week

Fire Prevention Week (FPW) will take place October 6-12, 2024, with the theme “Smoke alarms: Make them work for you!™” Join the NVFC for a live panel discussion that will focus on the importance of this year’s theme, how your department can participate in FPW, and tips and ideas you can use for public education


Webinar: When the Call Comes from Inside the House – Next Steps After a Harassment Allegation

It happens, even in environments where people volunteer: one member alleges harassment by another member. Whether it was a misunderstanding or something overt, the alleged harassment must be addressed while maintaining all your usual department operations. This webinar, led by attorney Alisa B. Arnoff, will provide you with practical and legal strategies designed to prepare


Wildland Fire Assessment Program Training

Martha's Vineyard Transit Authority 11 A Street, Edgartown, MA, United States

This free two-day course will teach the fundamentals of assessing a home and working with residents to make their property more resilient to wildfires. There is a classroom session and a hands-on training included. Register by October 6. Learn more. This course is brought to you by the Edgartown (MA) Fire Department. The Wildland Fire


Roundtable Talk: The Role of Fire Department Chaplains

What is the role of a fire department chaplain? How can your department enlist a chaplain and help them succeed? What do newly-appointed chaplains need to know? Join Chaplains Dick Brown, Jim Cook, Jimmie Duncan, and John F. Long, Jr. for a panel discussion on what a fire service chaplain does and why a fire


Volunteer Voices Live: Volunteer Performance Evaluations and Expectations

Recruiting volunteers is not easy, so it can be difficult to evaluate the ones you do have. However, when done regularly and efficiently, volunteer evaluations can benefit both the department and the volunteer by highlighting strengths, showing areas in need of improvement, and offering an opportunity for one-on-one interactions between leadership and volunteers. This live


Webinar: What You Need to Know Before Testifying at OSHA’s Emergency Response Public Hearing

So, you’ve reserved a spot to testify at OSHA’s upcoming public hearing regarding the proposed Emergency Response Standard. Have questions about what to say? The hearing procedure? How to answer questions from the OSHA panel and the audience? This session will cover the answers to these questions and allow time for audience Q&A so that