MSFA Members
Special Membership Offer
With a special offer for you, available only through the Maryland State Firefighters Association (MSFA), you can become a part of the national voice of the volunteer by joining the NVFC at the discounted rate of $9 per year. Membership dues are typically $24 per firefighter, but MSFA will cover the balance of membership dues for every MSFA member who joins the NVFC.
How to Join
Visit to set up an account or log-in. Once you are logged in, go to the Membership tab, click on “Join/Renew” and enter in the discount code MSFA-NVFC through the checkout screen to receive the discount. Or complete the NVFC Membership Application and mail it to NVFC, 712 H Street, NE, Suite 1478, Washington, DC 20002.
To purchase multiple NVFC memberships for MSA members online, use this form.
Membership Benefits
Individual Member benefits include the following. For a full list, visit
- A $10,000 AD&D policy through Provident Agency
- Personalized membership card
- Access to the NVFC First Responder Helpline
- Access to the Volunteer Voices member community
- Free training through the NVFC Virtual Classroom
- Educational discounts to online universities and fire service training sources
- Special opportunities to apply for grants, scholarships, and giveaways throughout the year
- Discounts on products, services, and more!