Volunteer Spotlight: James Jarboe

Name: James Jarboe
Title: Lifetime member/past fire chief
Department Name: Takoma Park Volunteer Fire Department
Location: Silver Spring, MD

Why are you an NVFC member?
For the fire/EMS training information, events, sharing stories from other departments across the country, and much more.

What is your occupation?
Retired career officer in 1988, with approximately 30 years.

Why are you a fire service volunteer?
Well, it’s all in the family, starting when my younger brother joined the TPVFD in 1956. I followed two months later, [and] it didn’t stop there – three more brothers, my father, and uncle. That’s seven! All of us were very active responding to emergency calls, attending training sessions, and participating in community activities. Sadly, how time goes by… I am the last of the seven; my brother Ted passed away in February 2019. I don’t mean to brag about my family, [but] they all did so much for the fire department, community, and beyond.

What year did you join the fire or emergency services?

What are your memorable moments as a firefighter or EMS provider?
Riding on calls with the family. It might be me driving the ladder truck with a brother riding the front seat as the officer and my father or a brother riding on the side of the truck. There are so many.

What contributions have you (and your department) made in your community?
There are so many, mainly helping the community on emergency calls and participating in year-round events and activities.

Interested in serving your community? Find volunteer fire service opportunities at www.makemeafirefighter.org.