Volunteer Spotlight: Joshua Beal
Name: Joshua Beal
Title: Firefighter
Department Name: Rockwood Fire & Rescue
Location: Rockwood, ME
Why are you an NVFC member?
All members of our department are enrolled in NVFC. I enjoy the educational webinars and educational benefits for myself and department both.
What is your occupation?
Why are you a fire service volunteer?
I have always had an interest in the fire service and educated myself in the field. As a member of a small rural community I believe it is my duty to use my experience and education to help my community in whatever manner possible.
What year did you join the fire or emergency services?
What are your memorable moments as a firefighter or EMS provider?
Entering a hoarder house to do a primary search and being caught in a flashover, only to discover the home had been abandoned.
What contributions have you (and your department) made in your community?
Our department serves a very extensive area, including hundreds of miles of snowmobile/ATV trails, hiking trails, and large bodies of water in a very rural area. We serve a small local populace and a large seasonal tourist population. We do this with a very small crew of dedicated individuals with a very small budget. We make every effort to maintain excellent response times and provide the best possible services in an area where at times our calls are very hard to get to.
Interested in serving your community? Find volunteer fire service opportunities at www.makemeafirefighter.org/.