Volunteer Spotlight: Kevin Berkebile

Name: Kevin Berkebile
Title: Deputy Chief
Department: Lyndeborough Fire Department
Location: Lyndeborough, NH

Why are you an NVFC member?
To help better myself, my fire department, and my community.

What is your occupation?
Manager of a commercial food equipment repair service.

Why are you a fire service volunteer?
I have always had a passion for the fire service. As a child growing up, my uncle was a volunteer and I knew I always wanted to be like him. One of my best friend’s dad was a volunteer as well. Seeing the trucks and helping out at fundraisers was a normal thing for me as a kid. My service started in high school as an internship for school to gain extra credits and help push me through school to graduate. I am one of the original explorers from our department from when the explorer program was introduced to the department in 2004 to help gain new recruits.

What year did you join the fire or emergency services?

What are your memorable moments as a firefighter or EMS provider?
The smiles. Someone could be having the worst day of their life and just showing up to be there for them can turn that day around in an instant knowing we are there for them. Participating in community events and allowing the children to play with and learn about the equipment. With that comes the happiness of the parents watching their children have their best day of their lives playing on the trucks. My second most memorable moment would be graduating from the Fire Academy.

What contributions have you (and your department) made in your community?
We hold annual fundraisers to allow the residents to meet our members and see who could be coming to their aid at any given time. We participate in community functions. This also gives the residents the opportunity to see an engine, tanker, rescue, associated equipment, etc. up close and in person to see what their tax dollars are going towards.

Interested in serving your community? Find volunteer fire service opportunities at www.makemeafirefighter.org.